The reed flute represents the human being- cut from the primordial spiritual realm, from communion with our Source in the river of pure peace, light, and gnosis. After a time before time in the divine presence, witnessing and communing with the Ultimate Reality, we were brought out from the riverbed and placed in the here-below. We have come to this realm, according to the Sufis, to witness, remember and awaken to our original state. At the core of our beings we all yearn for this return. For we are the Reedbed Diaspora. Baraka Blue is a poet, emcee, and educator born in Seattle, Washington. He is known for his unique blend of the American traditions of Hip-Hop and Spoken Word poetry with the Islamic tradition of mystical poetry exemplified by Rumi, Hafiz, and others. He has performed across North America and internationally, in countries such as the U.K., Turkey, the Gambia, Senegal, Egypt and Morocco.