This quarter's issue features articles from Faisal Bodi, Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo, Imam Achmad Cassiem and Arzu Merali.
The turbulence of the current time – from the cost of living crisis to the endless killing of and violence against Palestinians (most recently the shooting and murder of two-year-old Muhammed Tamimi) by Israeli forces – can leave one feeling hopeless. The prospects for change seem distant, not for lack of innovation but lack of willpower by those with (some modicum) of power.
This issue touches on this – both the despondence but also the changes in fortune as people at the grassroots organise. Such organisation is tackling economic structures that conspire to keep people off the property ladder in countries like the UK. It is resisting the oppressions created not just by regimes like the Israeli one but their clients like the Palestinian Authority (PA). It involves overcoming the divide and rule mentality internalised by generations of formerly colonised people. It requires the confidence in faith and belief that different ways of governance and rights can be imagined and implemented.
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