Rumi, is one of the greatest sages, universal thinkers, spiritual masters and mystic poets of all times. Human dignity and social justice are at the centre of his world of thoughts. He became Mawlana, lover and master of not just a small group around him but of everyone as he defended human rights without any discrimination and struggled for the prosperity of the people and for fair and good governance. In this respect, Rumi is not only the poet of love, which is the source of every movement in the universe, but he is also the poet of social life and justice which is the foundation of the state.
The author of this book argues that people in our age should understand Rumi, who carries universal value for all humanity in terms of his lifestyle, thoughts and messages. They must especially learn and implement his approach to people, understanding of justice and freedom, his message to administrators, his honesty, tolerance and modesty and the value he gives to competence and merits, ethical values and expertise.